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"A truly virtual reality"
A relatively new television channel on the Dish Network was
advertising the 2008 olympics in Bejjing! The part that interests me, is that
they are advertising with a slogan that could be meant to further causes such as
the needs assessment (decision matrices) software development that I am so in
favor of. This TV station delivers Chinese and World news in English, and
frequently displays the official Chinese slogan for the olympics, which
One Dream" What I make of this, is that there may be some double entendre
meant to be included in this slogan, considering its Communist
source....But... This may not be a challenge so much as that it could be an
opportunity for opening dialouge on Democratic / Socialist unity. The
software which I envison would give everybody a chance to give input into
worldwide needs as a model for what should be required to be done... A truly
virtual reality.!
I would change the slogan a bit in implication by
'One Whole
One Whole Dream'
(Virtual Reality Software Enabled)
The Chinese are familiar with holistic thinking, as a
culture...What a great place to start!
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